Dear Student
Welcome to an adventure that will take your class to the other side of the world!
This is a great opportunity for you to get to know other students from another country, and surprisingly, in order to reach them there is no need to fly!
You will be surprised to know that despite of the great distance, different languages and views, there are so many things that connect you, from your favorite food to your joint Jewish backgrounds.

The Jewish Agency for Israel's Partnership2Gether is a platform for connecting Israeli cities with Jewish communities worldwide. There are 46 partnerships happening right now that engage and connect more than 350,000 Jewish people.
The Partnership between the Hadera-Eiron Region and our 11 Southeast Jewish Communities in the US and the Jewish Community of the Czech Republic is celebrating 20 years. Throughout the years, we have created an ever-growing network of support and friendship. P2G has proven to enrich the lives of our community on both sides of the ocean by promoting people2people connections. With the relationships we create, we engage our communities with Israel and the Jewish experience.
The program presented here opens a window to the outside world through which one can introduce themselves, meet a friend, a new community, culture and a different way of Jewish life. We found these programs to bring awareness to our differences and similarities and to bridge the gaps of understanding and bring us together in the spirit of our faith.
Dear Teacher
Class2Class interactions create a joint program based on a pedagogical theme but can easily integrate into existing subjects in both Judaic and general studies.
The joint activities we offer encourage students to enrich their basic Jewish knowledge and practice Hebrew and English while they think and prepare what they will send to their peers overseas.
Despite our constantly changing reality and the routine of distance learning, classes can still create significant and meaningful interactions and exchanges using creative digital tools. We invite you to take part in a joint journey to build together schedules for creation and sharing while knowing your counterparts will be waiting and expecting in excitement to receive your responses.
Assistance to each pair of schools will be provided by the Partnership professionals, including a calendar of joint activities, lesson plans and online tools for sharing your student products. With the sessions and tasks in front of you, your students will be part of a larger story, the story of our Jewish People from both sides the ocean.
* This program is for students grades 4th-6th.